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Rolling out new processes faster & more effectively with VR

Operational efficiency
min read
Engineer controlling virtual reality interface by hands close up

Roll out new processes in a time of change

With change feeling constant these days, consider how VR-based Immersive Learning, which combines VR with advanced learning theory, data science, and spatial design, will help you roll out new processes faster and more effectively.

At Strivr, our VR and learning experts work alongside you to select, design, and deliver the right kind of VR training that will impact new business operations in a measurable and impactful way. Strivr creates custom VR training content to allow employees to learn and practice actual company protocol in their actual work environments. This concept is known as perceptual fidelity and it increases knowledge retention in the brain.

Experiential learning with virtual reality

VR training is one of the most effective ways to roll out new processes to a large-scale workforce. It is an immersive experience, so employees get realistic practice that leads to real-world behavioral change. VR also provides hands-on learning where real-time feedback helps employees learn and retain more information in a much shorter period of time.

For new processes and procedures, this allows employees to contribute sooner. In addition, it eliminates the need for trainers to travel nationwide. All of this while actually improving knowledge retention and employee confidence in performing the new process.

Introducing new equipment

New or updated technology creates the need for training to help employees learn how to use it. Often, the new technology is meant to improve efficiency, yet it can have the opposite effect if employees aren’t well-trained. Meanwhile, hands-on learning with the actual equipment is imperative for effective and memorable training.

Such was the case with Walmart Pickup Towers, introduced to streamline the in-store pick-up option for customers who order items online. Launch coaches were conducting day-long training sessions at each location that received a pick-up tower. These sessions consisted of eLearning, hands-on training, and launch kit training.

With VR, Walmart was able to reduce an 8-hour training session to 15 minutes. In addition, Walmart no longer requires launch coaches to travel to the stores, since the immersive training session has shown to be just as impactful.

Updated safety measures

Every business is coping with change to standard operating procedures for improved safety of both employees and customers.

VR training is an excellent way to train associates on hygiene and sanitation practices because it offers a safe and realistic environment to experience situations without risk. Whether businesses need to retrain their workforce or onboard new hires, VR offers experiential learning on-demand to build skills like situational awareness, spatial awareness, and applied decision-making.

In the headset, learners can experience and practice proper hygiene techniques like wiping down surfaces, correct handwashing, and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE).

Download our free ebook on safety preparedness training in VR.

Explore industry-specific training topics for optimizing operational efficiency

For rolling out new processes, enterprises have found success with VR-based Immersive Learning. Discover more industry-specific use cases for improving operational efficiency below:

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